Bibliography: fiction books

1. Siberian Lessons on Life, Love and Death, Aspekt Publishers, 2013 (in Dutch). Also published in:
English, Aspekt Publishers, 2013.
Bulgarian, Kibea Publishing, 2012
Imagine: the abbot of a monastery in Siberia answers life's questions and wants to make a trip from Moscow to Vladivostok to reach more people. He seeks a good travel companion and finds it in the person of a young English physicist. Together they set off. It also becomes a journey of discovery and their own development which leads to a dramatic conclusion.
They make stopovers in different places en route where the abbot answers questions from believers. When should you end a relationship and when should you not? What makes a marriage sustainable? Why don't people's talents come to fruition? What do you say to your children when your time comes?
"The book changed my life", is a response I often get.
And it's read at a young age, at least by my granddaughter!

2. Why I love Bulgaria, Kibea Publishing, Sofia, 2021 (in Bulgarian).
Also published in English, Kibea Publishing, Sofia, 2021
I have been visiting Bulgaria, my wife's country of birth, regularly since 1989. It is a relatively unknown country, wrongly so because its landscape is as spectacular as its history and culture. With this book, I hope to encourage Bulgarians. It is interesting also for those who want to orientate themselves to the land.

3. Motorcycles can’t swim, Harvey and Harley, Oh Jonathan. Children's books, self-published.
With my grandson, I produced three small books that were illustrated and printed in India. The protagonists are cars and motorcycles, there are no humans and hardly any animals. The books are comic and have a moral. Not available commercially.
Through you, the novel is in progress.
The motto of this book is a quotation from the novel by Anna Funder All I Am:
It is our loves that we remember best at the end of our lives, because they shaped us. We have become who we are by growing around them, as if around a stick.
This refers to the main character, a shy girl who, against the odds and after several relationships and a failed marriage, develops into a great artist. The book is set in several locations: the Green Heart of Holland, The Hague, Northumberland in England, Kenya and San Isidro, a suburb of Buenos Aires. Several storylines come together at the end. In San Isidro, the protagonist meets the priest who will later become Pope Francis.