Résumé Prof. dr. ir. J.G. Wissema

Last name: | Wissema |
First name: | Hans (Johan Gooitzen) |
Date of birth: | 7 October 1942 |
Nationality | Dutch |
Civil status | Married to Julia G. Djarova, two children, three grandchildren |
Languages | English and Dutch (fluent), French and German (good) |
Professional characteristics
- Practical organiser with conceptual background;
- ‘Insistent diplomat’ in matters of governance;
- Ability to develop a vision and a strategy; practical feeling for trends;
- Team leader in the implementation of well-structured, strategy-based processes of change;
- International orientation;
- Excellent abilities in writing and speaking.
Current roles and activities
- Writing novels, children's books, articles, and columns;
- Governance of societies;
- Professor emeritus in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technical University (TU), Delft.
1966 MSc in Control Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST, UK);
1967 MSc in Chemical Engineering, Groningen State University;
1969 PhD, UMIST.
Past employment
1966-1972 Various research assignments at the universities of Groningen and Manchester, and in the Department of Mathematics at Akzo Corporate Research, TNO (as an officer under compulsory military service);
1972-1977 Various staff and project management functions at Akzo R&D and Akzo International. Projects in Indonesia, Spain, India, the VS and Japan;
1977-1985 Senior management consultant with a Dutch consultancy;
1981-1988 Professor of Technology Management at the Management Interfaculty of TU Delft, transferred later to Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (part-time);
1986-1997 Founder and manager of The Wissema Group bv, Business and Policy Consultants in The Hague. The company was sold in 1997 in a buy-out. Worked since as a freelancer;
1988-1998 Professor of Strategic Management at Nijenrode University (part-time);
1988-1996 Non-executive board member of Engineering Bureau Van Heugten, Nijmegen, the Netherlands;
1998-1999 Interim manager of SEOR bv, a research company of Erasmus University, Rotterdam;
1998-2002 Non-executive board member of Triple P, a Nasdaq listed ICT-company;
1998-2006 Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at TU Delft.
Consulting experience
- Advising industrial businesses, trade and service companies, hospitals, cooperatives, family businesses and NGOs about strategy and organisation;
- Restructuring of the R&D departments of businesses and research foundations. Optimising know-how infrastructure of several sectors. Co-design of national innovation policies in the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria and the North-West Region of the Russian Federation;
- Advising the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs, Social Affairs, Defence, Agriculture, Science and Education and Transport and Public Works;
- Development projects in the Russian Federation, Poland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey, Moldova, and Kazakhstan on behalf of the European Union, Dutch bilateral aid and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
See Books: non-fiction and Books: fiction.
Lectures and presentations
- Executive seminars, presentations and guest lectures were given since 1977 - ongoing in a great many countries across the globe.
- Co-founder of the Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, Sofia, Bulgaria (1997- 2013);
- Co-founder and first chair of Amstel Private €quity Club, Amsterdam, now Amsterdam Private Equity Club (2002-2004);
- Chair, Foundation Network Young Entrepreneurs at TU Delft (2002-2012);
- Member of the Advisory Board of the School for Business and Management of the Technical University of Bandung, Indonesia (2006-2010);
- Member of the Advisory Board of Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi (2014-2018);
- Member of the Advisory Board of Tomsk State University;
- Visiting professor in entrepreneurship at the University of Rousse, Bulgaria (2004-2008);
- Visiting professor at Ostim Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (ongoing);
- Member of the Advisory Board of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation (ongoing);
- Member of the Editorial Boards of Long Range Planning, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and several Dutch management journals;
- Past Board Member of the Dutch Strategic Management Association and the European Strategic Planning Federation;
- Past Board Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Engineers;
- Member of advisory committees of the National Social-Economic Council SER, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and others.
- 1989 Book of the Year prize, Dutch Order of Chartered Management Consultants, OOA.
- Honorary member, Amsterdam Private Equity Club.